Welcome to the new website of Tharston and Hapton Parish Council.
Our Parish Meetings are held at The Community cabin, Holly lane, Hapton.
Everyone is welcome to attend the Parish Meetings and participate and we look forward to welcoming you to the meetings. They start at 7pm.
Continued vandalism at Hapton Community Project
The person in this video has committed regular acts of vandalism at the community project especially to the toilet and this is unacceptable and may result in The Parish council keeping the toilet closed until there is an event on. If you recognise the individual please email the clerk or the Police with the name asap
Gov.uk email addresses​
The Parish Council have now moved to a Gov.uk email system at the request of the external auditor and the new email address to contact the council is as follows clerk@tharstonandhapton-pc.gov.uk
The old Gmail box will be made defunct at the end of October so we ask that you contact the council on the email address above and all the details are in the newsletter that will come out tomorrow for our brilliant volunteers to deliver asap
New Defibrillators
The Defibrillators are now installed in their new locations and the locations are:
Hapton Service Station, The Street, Hapton
Community Cabin, Holly Lane Hapton
Willow Farm, The Street, Tharston
Victory House. Tharston Ind Estate
All the Parish Defibrillators are registered on The Circuit - a national Network run by British Heart Foundation and connected to The Ambulance Service for immediate location when needed.
All the defibrillators have also now been fitted with emergency bleed kits to assist in any accident as parishioners await the Ambulance service to arrive.
Hire of Community Cabin in Hapton
you can now hire the community cabin in Holly Lane Hapton NR15 1SE
Costs are as follows
Residents of either Tharston or Hapton £10.00 per hour
Non- Residents £15 per hour
Contact The clerk on clerk@tharstonandhapton-pc.gov.uk for further details