Highways, Footpaths and Trees
The Hapton Footpath Warden is Sue Wardale and if you have any issues to report ref the Hapton footpaths please contact Sue via the clerk on tharstonandhapton@gmail.com
The parish Tree Warden is Ken Grayling and if you have any issues with trees please report to Ken via the clerk on tharstonandhapton@gmail.com
Information for landowners of footpaths and bridleways in the village
THPC Parish Map Showing all Footpaths in both Tharston and Hapton
Tharston and Hapton Community Project
Tharston and Hapton Parish Council are close to completing phase 1 of the project as the Play Area has been erected and is ready for use and has been given its clearance to be used by the Play inspector with a couple of tweaks to be done on the equipment and a new sign installed which is being worked on at present. We thank Vale Sport and Leisure for their wonderful work on this project. This phase has been completed.
Phase 2 has seen the benches installed and the new marquee for events to be held in. This phase has now been completed
Phase 3 will see the guttering and water capture water buts installed along with some new raised beds sponsored by our contractors Garden Landscape Services and this phase has been completed.
The next phase will see the installation of a Community and Sensory garden at the top of the project for all to sit in and reflect as well as some WW celebration benches. It is hoped this will be funded by utilising the Community Action Fund and Pride in Place grant procedures